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Join me for the next Fibroid Detox Collective group coaching session on April 6, 2025

Hi there!

I'm Chelsea!

I help Christian women shrink fibroids and heal womb issues using food, herbs and God's word as medicine. Since you landed here, either you or someone you love is struggling with reproductive issues such as Fibroids, PCOS, Endometriosis, Infertility, Heavy Menstrual Cycles, etc. and want to learn how to heal naturally.

So come on in and download some valuable free resources to help you with some action steps for your healing journey.

Natural herbs, oils, supplements & more for your healing journey


Take What you Need!

Free foods to Avoid Guide

To help you shrink fibroids naturally

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Foods to Avoid Guide

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Grab your free eBook today!

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5 Tips to Help You Overcome Iron Deficiency & Anemia

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Your privacy is important to me.

Top 5 Healing Juice Recipes

To help you shrink fibroids naturally

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Top 5 Healing Juice Recipes

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Grab your free eBook today!

Your privacy is important to me.

Coaching Programs

90 Day Walk to Fibroid Freedom Group Coaching Program


"Thank you Chelsea! This has been a great learning experience for me. I was very confused and depressed. You have given me hope that I can heal. I love the detox methods and recipes as they have been a great help to me. Thank you so much. You are doing a wonderful service. "


"I've been following the program for 3 months. I have gone from hemorrhaging every month and spotting all month long to almost a normal period with NO spotting during the month. "


"With time and commitment I am glad to say that after a little over 2 months my tummy has gone down by 4 cm. I am hoping to achieve more. May God bless you. "


"Just from eliminating the foods to avoid I have already noticed a difference in my menstrual cycle. Thank you! "


"1 year ago I had multiple fibroids with the biggest one being 8 cm. Following Chelsea's protocol and the fibroids shrunk. The 8 cm fibroid is now 3 cm. "


"This time last year I looked 6 to 7 months pregnant. I can tell the fibroids have shrunk because the fibroid feels smaller to touch and I have been physically purging the fibroids. "


"3 months ago I had to get a blood transfusion I was so anemic. I was fatigued and tired. I could barely walk up a flight of stairs. After following Chelsea's protocol I am no longer anemic and I am full of energy. "


"1 year ago I had multiple fibroids with the biggest one being 8 cm. Following Chelsea's protocol and the fibroids shrunk. The 8 cm fibroid is now 3 cm. "


"I've been following the program for 3 months. I have gone from hemorrhaging every month and spotting all month long to almost a normal period with NO spotting during the month. "


"I watched some of your older videos and seeing the transition that you made, simply by taking care of yourself, was incredibly inspiring! Your positive and honest messages were exactly what I needed and I'm inspired to take better care of myself and face the emotional issues that could be causing my fibroids. "


"It’s amazing because I haven’t changed my diet much since we started the emotional class but as God heals me emotionally, it looks as though the fibroids are shrinking. So yes, as our soul heals, our body will heal as well. "


"I want to share my progress with you.. this is my 6th month on a clean diet my ultrasound today shows 1.5 cm and as of April it was (9 cm). Thank you Chelsea! "


"Chelsea is anointed to do this work. I am experiencing healing in places I didn't even know I needed healing. I am repeating the class for more healing and accountability. Thanks Chelsea ! "


"I have been bleeding every day for years. After 2 months on Chelsea's program the daily bleeding stopped. I am so grateful! "


"This time last year I looked 6 to 7 months pregnant. I can tell the fibroids have shrunk because the fibroid feels smaller to touch and I have been physically purging the fibroids. "


"Chelsea is awesome and yes the program works. The price is reasonable. The fibroids are shrinking and the bleeding is light. I feel great! You should join the group. You will see results. "


"Every month since I was a teenager I have been at the emergency because of excruciating menstrual pain. But not this month! I was home!!! I didn't even have to take narcotics for pain!!! Nothing short of a miracle!!! I just can't thank you enough Chelsea! "


"After only 5 weeks of following the program my hair stopped coming out in clumps on my wash day! I am so excited! "


"After 3 to 4 months of Chelsea's program the fibroid shrank from 11 to 12 cm to 6 to 8 confirmed by ultrasound. "


"Thank you Chelsea! This has been a great learning experience for me. I was very confused and depressed. You have given me hope that I can heal. I love the detox methods and recipes as they have been a great help to me. Thank you so much. You are doing a wonderful service. "


"I used to be severely anemic with low energy. Now I feel phenomenal and I have loads of energy! "


My Latest Video


15% off your first purchase from my deep-rooted herbal blends store. Enter code "MYFIRST15"

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Have a question? Just ask.


Check out Chelsea's resources & coaching

Start your journey to womb healing and empowerment today!

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